

  1. It’s just so easy to be pulled back into the past ​​​我总是轻易地陷入过去的回忆。
  2. recollecting 美 / ˌrekəˈlektɪŋ/ v.记得,回忆起 he is recollecting these days gone by though these old photos. 他看着这些照片,回忆过去的日子。
  3. I can’t believe you’re actually doing this to me 想不到你会这样对我。
  4. Keep the change 不用找了。
  5. If you wanna see your record alive, meet me at Civil Coffee at four PM. 想活着见到你的唱片的话,下午四点Civil Coffee厅见。
  6. I actually don’t konw how to talk about it. It’s complicated. 我不知道该怎么说,有点复杂。
  7. All right. I appreciate the reminder. Thank you. 谢谢提醒。
  8. Smile. Don’t tell me what to do.面带微笑,别告诉我该怎么做
  9. Holy shit. This is incredible. 天啊,酷毙了
  10. Wanna go for a ride? 要一起兜风吗
  11. Hop in. 上车吧
  12. It’s a list of songs from certain times in our life. 那是我和他在特定时期听过的歌。
  13. He’s a good looking dude 他长得很帅
  14. Look, I have a busy day tomorrow. 我明天还有很多事情要做。
  15. Maybe you just need some time to figure things out. 也许你需要一点时间来整理思绪。
  16. Sunday always comes too late
  17. Do we wind up together?我们会永远在一起吗
  18. You’re a straight up saboteur.你真是个彻头彻尾的破坏者。saboteur 美/ˌsæbəˈtɜːr/
  19. I think I can actually prove this to you.我想我可以向你证明。
  20. Yeah. And that–that’s a wrap. 就到这儿吧,收工
  21. This moment is real. 这一刻是真的。
  22. Whether we remember it or not.不管我们记得与否。
  23. willpower 意志力
  24. suppression n.抑制,镇压,压抑。The suppression of the guard’s anger takes a lot of willpower. 守卫抑制住怒火需要很大的意志力。
  25. noise suppression 抑制噪声。fire suppression灭火
  26. tyres 美 / ˈtaɪər/ n.轮胎
  27. puncture 美 / ˈpʌŋktʃər/ n.刺伤;小孔 v.(被)刺破 One of the tyres was punctured by a nail.有个车轮被钉子刺穿了。
  28. monster n.怪物,adj.巨大的
  29. negate 美 / nɪˈɡeɪt/ v.否定,n.反面,对立面 The expert negated the existence of the monster in the lake.专家否定了尼斯湖水怪的存在
  30. propose 美 / prəˈpoʊz/ vt.提出,提议。vi. 求婚。She proposed strategies for the development of the company.她提出了公司发展的战略。
  31. reign 美/reɪn vi.统治,当政。n.当政期,君主统治时期,任期 there is a disagreement concerning the length of his reign。关于他在位时间的长短存在分歧
  32. The comparison shows considerable disagreement between theory and practice.这一对比表明理论和实践有相当大的出入。
  33. dharma 美 / ˈdɑːrmə/ n.法,达摩(影响整个宇宙的真理或规则)
  34. groceries for life 生活用品
  35. You’ve really rizzed me.你成功把我吸引。
  36. Everybody has their own special rizz。每个人都有其独特的魅力。
  37. what the hell 这到底怎么回事
  38. Hell is a place with raging fire that is vividly described in the Bible. 圣经里生动地描述了,地狱是个燃烧着熊熊大火的地方。raging 美/ˈreɪdʒɪŋ/ adj.猛烈的,强烈的,很痛苦的,严重的 v.发怒,激烈进行,怒斥,快速蔓延,猛烈的继续
  39. peer 同龄人,同辈 He is much younger than his peers.
  40. image spokesman 形象代言人;press spokesman 新闻发言人 The spokesman on stage is answering qusetions.
  41. The company is trying to globalize their business.这家公司正在试着全球化他们的业务。 globalize vt.使…全球化
  42. dizziness 美 / ˈdɪzinəs/ n.头晕,头昏眼花 She takes the pill to mitigate the dizziness. 她吃药以缓解头晕的症状。
  43. thereby 从而。He turned 18, thereby gaining the right to go into Internet cafes.他满18岁了,从而获得了进网吧的权利。
  44. orbit 轨道。earth orbit地球轨道;in orbit在轨道上; circular orbit圆形轨道;elliptic orbit 椭圆轨道Planets have their own orbits.行星都有自己的轨道
  45. refresh v.使恢复精神;提神,刷新 He refresh himself with a cup of coffee.他喝了一杯咖啡来使自己提神。refresh rate刷新率。
  46. stewardess 美 / ˈstuːərdəs/ n.空姐 The stewardess politely asked the passenger if she could help him.空姐礼貌地问乘客是否需要帮助
  47. resemble 美 / rɪˈzembl/ vt.像 My dog resembles a brown mop.我的狗像一个棕色的拖把。
  48. mop 美 / mɑːp/ n.拖布 vt.用拖布擦干净
  49. distrack vt.使分心,打扰。
  50. approach 方法。Bingham writes about the approach in vivid style in his book.宾厄姆在他的书里生动地描写了这个方法。

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