refugee 美/ˌrefjuˈdʒiː/ n. 难民 v.逃难 TikTok Refugees arrive at xiaohongshu
abound vi.大量存在,丰富,盛产; This country abounds with fruits.这国家盛产水果
game n.野生鸟兽,wild animals/birds. This forest abounds in game.这森林里盛产野味。
trout 美/traʊt/n. 鳟鱼,鲑;讨厌的老太婆 The river abounds with trout.这河里盛产鳟鱼。
mammal 美/ˈmæml/n.哺乳动物
merit 优点;
or otherwise 或其反面 otherwise adv.不同地,用别的方法;conj.不然,否则 Hurry up, otherwise we will be late.快,不然我们要迟到了。
exasperate vt.激怒
slingshot 弹弓 The naughty boy exasperated him by firing his slingshot at him.
synthesis 美 / ˈsɪnθəsɪs n.合成 This product is formed by a synthesis of many different chemicals.这款产品是由很多化学制品合成的。
brewery 美 / ˈbruːəri n.啤酒厂 Our whiskey comes from the finest breweries.
devastating 美 / ˈdevəsteɪtɪŋ adj.毁灭性的。The hurricane has had a devastating effect on the village.飓风给这座村庄带来了毁灭性的影响。
dodge 美/dɑːdʒ/ v.闪躲;避开。The slow motion clearly shows how he dodges the bullets. 慢动作清楚地展现了他是如何躲过子弹的。
accede v.同意,就任,加入。
throne n.王权 The little tiger acceded the throne, and will be our new king.小老虎继承了王权,它将成为我们的新国王。
locomotive 美 / ˌloʊkəˈmoʊtɪv n.火车头,机车 Old locomotive ran on coal and steam.老式火车靠煤和蒸汽提供动力。
meteoric 美 / ˌmiːtiˈɔːrɪk adj.流星的,转瞬即逝的,突然的。meteoric rise to fame;Her meteoric rise to fame was caused by a simple video of her singing.因为一段简单的视频,她一举成名。
friction n. 摩擦,摩擦力。 Friction between the two hands generates some heat.双手摩擦可以生热。
intangible adj.无形的 Knowledge is an intangible asset.知识是无形资产。
plump adj.胖的,丰满的。 having a soft, round body; slightly fat。I may be plump now, but I am losing weight.也许我现在还很胖,但是我正在减肥。
In the fight with this crazy kangaroo, I have no choice but concede. 在与这只疯狂的袋鼠的战斗中,我除了认输,别无选择
mitten n.a type of glove that coves the four fingers together and the thumb separately.
gaudy 美 / ˈɡɔːdi adj.华丽而俗气的 n.华丽而俗气的廉价饰物 That dress is gaudy and looks like a bedsheet.
refulgent adj.灿烂的,光芒四射的 refulgent history.辉煌的历史;Middle East has declined since modern era, however it had possessed of refulgent history. 中东地区曾有过辉煌的历史,只是在近代以来衰落了。
decline n.&v.衰落,下降,减少。
era 美 / ˈɪrə/ n.时代,年代,纪元。new era 新时代。
daze vt. 使眼花缭乱;使茫然;n.迷乱;眼花缭乱; in a daze 恍惚之中 He’s dazed by wearing such unique glasses. 戴着这种特别的眼镜,他觉得眼花缭乱
pragmatic adj.实际的。注重实效的
fancy 华丽的,花哨的 I don’t need any fancy design, I prefer my furniture to be more pragmatic.我不需要花哨的设计,我更喜欢实用的家具。
hiking boots登山靴;wearing appropriate boots穿合适的靴子。
allergy n.过敏 pollen n.花粉 sneeze vi.打喷嚏 n.喷嚏
She has an allergy to pollen and cannot help sneezing whenever getting near the flowers. 她对花粉过敏,一靠近就打喷嚏。
striped uniform 条纹制服
downpour n.倾盆大雨。The man is caught in a sudden downpour, with no umbrella. 那个男人没带伞,又遇上倾盆大雨。
meditate v.沉思,考虑,冥想。meditation n.冥想,premeditate vt.预先考虑,预谋 The dog meditates in order to get peace of mind. 这只狗通过冥想来获得内心的平静。
swell n.汹涌,膨胀,衣着时髦的人,风头人物;v.膨胀,增大 adj.时髦的,一流的,很好的 There is a heavy swell on the sea surface now.现在海面上十分汹涌。
lottery n.彩票,碰运气的事。It’s unthinkable that she won a lottery.她想不到自己居然中奖了。
If opportunity doesn’t knock,build a door. 米尔顿 伯尔
All limitations are self imposed. 所有的限制都是自我施加的。
trek vi.&n.跋涉,长途跋涉。These hikers are on a trek across the snowy mountain.
virile 美 / ˈvɪrəl adj.成年男子的,男子气概的,强壮的。
puppy 小狗 The virile dog has fathered an army of puppies. 这只强壮的公狗是一群小狗的父亲。